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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Zuma's response to nationalisation issue lacks clarity

Jacob Zuma yesterday confronted the calls for the nationalisation of the mines by ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema. His stance was that what Malema was saying was not government policy, but he had every right to say it.

"We have noted that political formations including the ruling party's youth wing have decided to debate the matter. What members should do in an open democratic society, if Julius Malema raises nationalisation, is raise their counter arguments with him, debate the views of Malema and don't confuse a debate raised with policy of government," Zuma said.

He pointed out that changing the ruling party's policy was a long process leading up to the adoption of policy at the ANC's national conference.

"On matters of policy, the ANC is very clear and those who are there in the ANC know the process I am talking about, and have been party to it."

Zuma's response is at best ambiguous. He does not state what his view on the matter is, nor does he restate the party's view.

Instead, he somewhat disingenuously invites the opposition to debate the matter with Malema himself.

The fact is that the opposition has been debating the matter with Malema quite vociferously for some time now.

What has been missing is the voice of the ANC leadership, who have been openly challenged by Malema to support his position on the matter.

It could be that they are entertaining Malema's strident calls with patronising titters behind their fans.

Or it could be that they don't feel that strongly about the matter and are prepared to allow Malema to build up a head of steam.

Source: Times Live

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