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Saturday, May 1, 2010

National Planning Commission members

ANC heavyweight and businessman Cyril Ramaphosa, and former Eskom chairman Bobby Godsell were appointed to the National Planning Commission on Friday.

Also on the team announced by President Jacob Zuma are ANC national executive committee member Joel Netshitenzhe and Business Unity South Africa chief executive officer Jerry Vilakazi.

Making the announcement in Pretoria, Zuma said the commission would be chaired by Minister in the Presidency: National Planning Commission Trevor Manuel with Ramaphosa as his deputy.

The 24 people on the team have expertise in areas including finance, industry, telecommunications, biotechnology, energy, education, food security and climate change.

According to the presidency, the NPC will be responsible for developing a draft long-term vision and strategic plan for South Africa.

Delivering his speech on the NPC at the presidential guesthouse in Pretoria, President Zuma said the commission is going to ensure all spheres of government will be reading from the same script.

“Last year we announced that the new administration would do things differently and would work consistently to change the way government works, in order to improve service delivery”, Zuma says.

This would include discussion and engagement across the country, and opportunities for people to come forward with ideas and suggestions.

Its draft would be considered by the Cabinet and accepted, amended or rejected.

The commission would also advise the Cabinet on issues affecting South Africa's long-term development.

Zuma said the commission would start work immediately.

In addition to the announcement of the commission, President Zuma alluded to the fact that all ministers, deputy ministers and director generals have now signed performance contracts, and will now be held accountable to performance targets.

“The Ministers will cascade these agreements to their Deputies and Directors-General to ensure the entire government reads from one script with regards to what is expected during this term.

We are convinced that our vision of changing the way government works will truly yield results”, Zuma explained.

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